


For English, refer to :  https://lowvisionvisualimpairmentandcvibvd.blogspot.com/2019/09/avoid-using-led-lights-and.html 應儘量避免使用 LED光源作視覺訓練 為兒童及學生進行視覺訓練的人士需注意, 因 LED燈比較其他光源有最強藍光 4 ( 上標 的數字為文章最末參考資料的編號) ,應儘量避免使用LED光源作視覺訓練,例如LED電筒、單車燈、 平板電腦、手機等 等,因為LED的光度非常強 2,6 和刺眼 5 。 其他市面有售的小型發光玩具、聖誕燈飾、中秋燈飾等,亦已絶大部分採用LED,所以也要小心運用。  《藍光對視覺健康的影響》 ─  美國盲人服務機構 APH 研究員 Elaine Kitchel 在1996年西班牙低視能國際會議 (Low Vision International Conference) 上發表的研究報告 ‘Effects of Blue Light on Ocular Health’ 5 現在越來越多報導,均不斷指出手機、電腦 LED屏幕及LED燈所發出的藍光,確實對眼睛及視力構成損害 1,7 !但其實早在20年前,美國盲人服務機構APH 代表 Elaine Kitchel 已發表有關藍光對視覺健康的研究報告 5 !她提醒大家要注意電子屏幕的運用,以及燈的選擇與運用,尤其對於視障人士近距離及長期使用,影響更大。 研究人員當然難以用人的眼睛做實驗 ,因此  Elaine Kitchel  提及其他研究,以動物眼睛做實驗 。你想知道實驗結果嗎 ? 實驗結果 - 視網膜色素上皮 (Retinal pigment epithelium, RPE) 的黑色素 (melanin) 非常吸收藍光; - 以猴子做實驗: 受波長 441nm 的藍光照射 1000秒 (約16分鐘),視網膜色素上皮 (RPE) 已顯示有發炎; -    以老鼠做實驗: 受波長  404nm 的藍光照射15分鐘,光感受體 (photo-receptors) 顯示受到破壞! 報告指出,藍光可導致: - 老年白內障; - 老年黃斑退化; - 其他眼球混濁情況。

What's the relationship between “Was blind, but now I see” and ‘low vision training’ ?

“Was blind, but now I see”, could this be possible? In another sense, this is also a type of education and a type of work. When I was listening to the music Amazing Grace, I recalled the lyrics “Was blind, but now I see” and suddenly I related this to the work that I had participated in the past, which aimed at helping ‘blind’ students to see. Apart from medical treatment by ophthalmologists who could help some patients with eye diseases to resume their vision, my work in the past also had a similar experience. Twenty-five years ago, I started a job that was to teach some visually impaired students to make use of their residual vision. This kind of training is called ‘low vision training’. But how could people with visual impairment see? In fact, many people don't know about this: considerable number of people who are assessed as visually impaired or even blind are not living in a totally dark world. They have different levels of residual vision that could still

To pay tribute to two educators who have brought about significant innovative changes to the education for the visually impaired: Dr. Natalie Barraga and Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy

Chinese version:  https://lowvisionandcvi.blogspot.com/2016/12/natalie-barraga-christine-roman-lantzy.html Key words: innovative changes and development in the education for the visually impaired, origin and development of low vision training, assessment and training for cerebral visual impairment (CVI), Dr. Natalie Barraga, Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy. In Hong Kong, when people who are working with CVI children mention about cerebral visual impairment (CVI), would they think of the American educator Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy? According to Dr. Roman’s own explanation when she came to Hong Kong in the 2000s, she used to be an itinerary Orientation and Mobility teacher working with visually impaired students. Gradually, she started to notice that some students’ characteristics, behaviors, and performance were obviously different from other visually impaired students. She then worked with Dr. Lantzy and made in-depth studies in the area related to neuroscience. She star

Some key points and reminders on the understanding of CVI children's learning and vision; and interactions of teachers, therapists, trainers, carers, and parents with CVI children.

Chinese version:  https://lowvisionandcvi.blogspot.com/2017/11/cvi.html Key points in this article: 1.It is difficult to have a clear and full understanding of the visual ability of children with CVI (cerebral visual impairment/ cortical visual impairment). 2.Visual problems are affected by a list of factors, how could we understand the visual problems of CVI children? If CVI children have multiple disabilities or severe intellectual disability, or severe physical disabilities, their means/modes of expressions might be restricted. As a result, they could not give the appropriate responses. In other words, no response or incorrect responses do not imply that they could not see, have no sensations, have low learning ability, could not think properly, have no memory, or no interest … 3.Imagination and memory are very important, but they need meaningful experiences to build up. 4.During teaching, training, therapies, and services, CVI children should establish relationsh

Cerebral visual impairment: ‘look, but could not see’, a group of people who are being misunderstood

Chinese version:  https://lowvisionandcvi.blogspot.com/2016/11/blog-post.html Keywords: cerebral visual impairment, cortical visual impairment, brain damage related visual dysfunction (BVD), visual characteristics of CVI, behaviors, performances, raising understanding of CVI, children and adolescents, students with CVI     In Chinese, the idiom ‘turning a blind eye’ (literally meaning: looking, but couldn’t see) is used to describe that some people neglect something, but literally, it means that people could not see although they try to look. This term’s literal meaning could also be used to describe the people with cerebral visual impairment or cortical visual impairment (CVI). Individual differences exist among CVI, thus the ten characteristics listed in the CVI assessment designed by Dr. Christine Roman Lanzy cannot fully describe their situations. Moreover, not every CVI case has all the ten CVI characteristics listed in the assessment. Furthermore, CVI is not conf

Increase public awareness and understanding of Cerebral / Cortical Visual Impairment ( CVI ) or Brain Damage Related Visual Dysfunction ( BVD )

Chinese version:  https://lowvisionandcvi.blogspot.com/2017/11/cvi-bvd_28.html Common questions: When it comes to cerebral visual impairment (CVI), many people have the following questions: 1. I have never heard of cerebral visual impairment. What is this? 2. Isn’t visual impairment caused by eye problems? How come it is related to the brain? H ow does the brain affect what we see? 3. What is so special about cerebral visual impairment (CVI)? What is the difference between CVI and the common visual impairment? 4. What is the relationship between CVI and me? Why should I need to know about it? Apart from using our eyes, we are also using our brains to see! In fact, we don't just use our eyes to see because our brains in fact process the images that are perceived by our eyes. As shown in the diagram, the visual pathway leads from the optic nerves (on the left of the diagram) to the rear of the brain, i.e. the visual cortex (on the right