English version of the characteristics: https://lowvisionvisualimpairmentandcvibvd.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-characteristics-of-visually.html 視覺障礙兒童及視覺障礙兼多重障礙的兒童的特徵和需要 ( 備註:以下文章已取得原作者同意,將此文章上載在這網誌。另有英文版亦已上載此網誌。 ) 下文資料,乃主要取自以下書目:- 1. First Steps. A handbook for teaching young children who are visually impaired. Los Angeles, California: Blind Children’s Center, 1993. 2. Starting Points. Instructional practices for young children whose multiple disabilities include visual impairment. Los Angeles, California: Blind Children’s Center, 1995. 3. Pagliano P. (1994) Students with a vision impairment, in A. Ashman & J. Elkins (eds), Educating children with special needs (2nd edn), Australia: Prentice-Hall, 345-383. 4. Sacks, S.Z., Rosen, S. & Gaylord-Ross, R.J. (1990) Visual impairments, in N.G.Haring & L. McCormick (eds), Exceptional children and youth (5th edn), Ohio: Merrill, 405-445. 5. New Directions: Towards a better future for multihandicapped