
顯示從 3月, 2017 起發佈的文章

The characteristics of visually impaired children with multiple disabilities

Chinese version of the characteristics and needs of visually impaired children with multiple disabilities: https://lowvisionandcvi.blogspot.com/2017/03/blog-post.html (P.B. The author of the following article has approved the uploading of this article to this blog.  This article is based on various references which are listed at the end of this article.) Content A.     Overall Characteristics B.     Characteristics in learning and cognition C.    Characteristics in motor, movement and posture D.    Emotional and behavioral characteristics E.     Characteristics in social behavior F.     Characteristics in visual function G.    Characteristics in language development H.    References VI:   visually impaired MHVI: multihandicapped visually impaired A. Overall characteristics: 1.Visual impairment would obstruct the child's development in various areas, i.e. cognitive, language, motor and social development. 2.The following would affect t


English version of the characteristics: https://lowvisionvisualimpairmentandcvibvd.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-characteristics-of-visually.html 視覺障礙兒童及視覺障礙兼多重障礙的兒童的特徵和需要 ( 備註:以下文章已取得原作者同意,將此文章上載在這網誌。另有英文版亦已上載此網誌。 ) 下文資料,乃主要取自以下書目:- 1. First Steps. A handbook for teaching young children who are visually impaired.  Los Angeles, California: Blind Children’s Center, 1993. 2. Starting Points. Instructional practices for young children whose multiple disabilities include visual impairment.  Los Angeles, California: Blind Children’s Center, 1995. 3. Pagliano P. (1994)  Students with a vision impairment, in A. Ashman & J. Elkins (eds), Educating children with special needs (2nd edn), Australia: Prentice-Hall, 345-383. 4. Sacks, S.Z., Rosen, S. & Gaylord-Ross, R.J. (1990) Visual impairments, in N.G.Haring & L. McCormick (eds), Exceptional children and youth (5th edn), Ohio: Merrill, 405-445. 5. New Directions: Towards a better future for multihandicapped