The characteristics of visually impaired children with multiple disabilities
Chinese version of the characteristics and needs of visually impaired children with multiple disabilities:
(P.B. The author of the following article has approved the uploading of this article to this blog.
This article is based on various references which are listed at the end of this article.)
A. Overall
B. Characteristics
in learning and cognition
C. Characteristics
in motor, movement and posture
D. Emotional and
behavioral characteristics
E. Characteristics
in social behavior
F. Characteristics
in visual function
G. Characteristics
in language development
H. References
VI: visually impaired
MHVI: multihandicapped visually impaired
A. Overall
1.Visual impairment would obstruct the child's development in
various areas, i.e. cognitive, language, motor and social development.
2.The following would affect the personal development of a MHVI
child: the onset, cause, category and extent of the visual impairment as well
as other impairments.
3.A child who has lost his/her vision before the age of 5 can be
categorized as having a congenital visual impairment, since the visual images
that he/she has preserved are so few which cannot assist his/her learning.
4.Approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of visually impaired children have more
than one handicap conditions. The 1990
statistics in UK stated that out of 12000 VI children, there were 6000 who were
Besides visual impairment,
MHVI children may have other handicaps in:
-motor functioning
-mental functioning
-auditory functioning
-emotional and behavioral
or exhibit learning difficulties.
5.Each of their handicap conditions differs in nature, combination
and extent. Consequently, their development, learning mode and needs would also
differ. Moreover, no two visually
impaired children would have identical visual conditions. The only common condition is they both have
visual impairment.
6.If we can understand how the child's visual functioning has
affected his/her development, we can understand his/her unique educational
needs and subsequently design appropriate training methods, no matter what the
child's age is.
7.The child needs special visual training, no matter what extent or
nature are his/her other handicaps. But
the parents or educators may not be aware of such need, especially if the
child's other handicap conditions may seem to impose a greater impairment than
his/her visual handicap. As a result,
the child may lose the opportunity of early intervention in his/her vision
8.Early intervention in their vision development is very important
to MHVI children. The lost cannot be
compensated by later efforts, since the functional development of the child's
eyes would be completed around the age of 8.
9.Since vision is of significant importance to the learning process,
VI or MHVI children would all exhibit various learning difficulties to certain
extent. However, some of the learning
difficulties are not directly caused by their visual impairment. This would be explained later in this
10.Visual impairment would also affect the accurate assessment of
the child's ability.
11.Although many MHVI children's emotional and/or behavioral
problems are major obstacles to their learning, they can still develop their
potentials in various aspects.
12. If a VI child still has residual vision, limited functional
vision can still assist in his/her learning.
13. When a child learns through other senses, he/she still needs to
collect information via the visual channel, since vision can provide some data
which cannot be effectively collected from other senses, e.g. color and spatial
relationship of objects. Moreover,
early learning is mainly via imitation, in particular, imitation via visual
observation. Children with normal
vision can naturally learn through unintentional observation and
imitation. VI children face limitations
in this process.
B. Characteristics
in learning and cognition:
1.Difficulty in concept formation: VI children have difficulty in
understanding complex, abstract concepts, e.g. color, spatial distance, spatial
relationship, etc.
2. Visual impairment itself would not affect the child's cognitive
processing of sensory information. One of the limitations is that the child
lacks in contact with the environment, which affects his/her ability in getting
the maximum input of sensory information.
3. If the formation of the basic concept of objects was affected,
formation of other concepts would also be affected, e.g. object permanence,
cause-effect relationship, spatial relationship and object classification.
4. VI children have difficulty in understanding the environment
comprehensively, although other senses could help to a certain extent, the loss
of vision could not be completely compensated by auditory and tactual senses
because of the following reasons:
a. Hearing and touch
cannot provide the same kind of stimulation and information as vision. Without
vision, some concepts can never be fully understood and grasped, e.g. clouds,
the height of high-rise buildings, etc.
b. The information
collected from hearing and touch is mainly received one after another; the
information from vision is presented simultaneously.
c. Vision assists the
child in understanding all of the object and its parts, as well as the
relationship among the parts and the part-whole relationship, whereas touch and
hearing requires the child to investigate each part and then integrate the
images in the mind to form a complete picture.
The latter is much less effective in concept formation and might easily
create incomplete or incorrect concepts.
5. However, we must note that:
a. Not all VI children
would suffer delay in concept formation, in particular, children with mild
vision loss or those who suffered vision loss later in their childhood.
b. Low vision children may
have difficulty in concept formation, but the use of residual vision can help them
in concept formation, even if they have some vision within a short period of
c. Early intervention/
training at an early age is thus very important.
Characteristics in motor, movement and posture:
1. The development in mobility and motor of VI and MHVI children is
generally below normal standard because of the following reasons:
a. The lack of visual
b. They cannot learn
through visual imitation effectively.
c. Environmental causes, e.g.
over-protection by parents, the lack of opportunities in motor activities.
2. Many VI and MHVI children exhibit low muscle tone. This is not because they are suffering from
cerebral palsy. Instead, they lack enough visual input to elicit movement and
their bodies lack enough motor movements.
Some children have high muscle tone and don't know how to relax, which
result in abnormal postures.
3. The above situations would result in the following problems: bad
sitting and standing postures, difficulties in motor co-ordination, poor gaits
(e.g. head bowing, tip-toeing, knees bending while walking), etc. They intend
to maintain a wide base of support and turn the whole body instead of the trunk
As the modes of activity
are less in VI children, early intervention is very important in order to
correct undesirable trends. The development of proprioceptive senses (joint
senses) can also help the VI children to maintain correct posture and movement.
4. Problem in co-ordination of both hands, delay in fine motor
skills development, e.g. difficulties in bending the joints of their fingers.
5. Action is slower. The VI
child takes more time to complete an activity. Kinesthetic and tactual input is needed to reduce the effect from
the loss of vision.
6. Spatial discrimination is slower; the VI child would easily lose
the sense of direction. The child
doesn't know where he/she is and the awareness of his/her body position in
relation to the surroundings is lower.
7. The child would lack self-confidence in walking and have
difficulty in starting his/her motion. His/her
movement would be slower.
Some VI children are used
to walking with their hands stretching out, while others, in particular, MHVI
children might not reach out to search their way. They are particularly afraid to descend on slopes and would walk
more slowly.
8. The children would find it difficult to search for objects,
especially objects dropped.
9. The children might easily bump into objects or overturn objects.
10. Those with low vision would walk cautiously, as they cannot see
clearly, especially when they are ascending or descending staircases, or in dim
environment due to the poorer contrast.
D. Emotional and
behavioral characteristics:
1. The MHVI children would lack interest in and response to the
environment. They would lack the motivation to explore the environment as they
lack the visual stimulation to motivate them.
2. They usually lack responses to other types of instructions apart
from verbal instructions.
3. They are more prone to self-stimulation, e.g. rocking their body,
head shaking, hand flapping, eye-poking, even self-injurious behavior. Some people think that the VI children have
such behavior because they have autistic features. However, such undesirable
behavior is due to the lack of
stimulation and limitations in learning opportunities.
4. Some MHVI children are very sensitive or over-sensitive to
others' touch or body contact, they dislike or resist such contacts, e.g.
5. Some are particularly sensitive to loud or special sounds, e.g. those
created by alarms, firecrackers and balloons that burst. They would feel frightened or throw into
temper tantrums.
6. Some are over-sensitive to special tastes or special textures,
e.g. moist and sticky texture. They
would resist in touching/tasting objects/food with such special sensation.
7. Most of them enjoy auditory stimulation, especially musical and
noise-making toys, or tapping the table with their hands or another
object. Most of them enjoy listening to
music, particularly fast and happy tunes.
Characteristics in social behavior:
1. The social development of VI children is usually slower than
their sighted peers, since social learning depends much on visual imitation.
2. When children suffer considerable loss of vision, they cannot effectively
interact with their family members, children of their age, and people in their
surroundings. They would thus be easily
misunderstood or constrained, so that they are isolated, aroused negative
attitudes, and cannot involve in social contacts.
3. As VI babies or children lack eye contact or smiles, their
parents might find it difficult to understand their responses. The child might seem uninterested or
4. VI children suffer limitations in the exploration and
participation in the social environment.
They thus rely more on the help of others to explain the social or play
situation to them.
5. The play behavior of young VI children was found to be in lack of
imagination and expansion. Their social
exchanges may also seem brief.
6. VI children lack eye contact, varieties in facial expressions and
body languages, so that others might find it more difficult to understand their
7. VI children have difficulty in maintaining the same type of
interests as their peers with normal vision.
They might be more self-centered in their contacts with others. What
they express might also be confined to experiences at home. As their social and play experiences are
more limited, their communications with sighted peers are also affected. The VI children are thus more easily being
neglected by children with normal vision.
8. The social development of VI children is also deeply affected by
others' expectations. If other people expect their performances to be hindered
by their visual impairment, then such limitation would become a part of the
children’s self image. On the contrary, the children would take a more positive
attitude towards their own social ability and their social skills and growth
would be enhanced.
9. Many parents would provide fewer outings for their children or
reduce their contacts with the world because of their children’s visual
impairment. They might even constrain the children's movement and activities at
home, fearing of possible and hidden dangers. This made the VI children's life
experiences limited and not as varied as their sighted peers, which in turn
made them lack in self-confidence and social skills.
10. Some VI children, especially MHVI children, exhibit social
behavior which seems inappropriate, e.g. touching people with their hands,
holding on to others' hands, talking or sitting too closely together. This is because of the lack of visual data
and the tendency to use touch to substitute for visual contact.
Characteristics in visual function (for VI children with low vision):
Their characteristics are varied according to different degrees of
visual loss, different types of visual loss and different causes of visual
impairment. However, they may exhibit
the following behavior:
1. They like viewing objects closely.
2. They like positioning themselves near to the light source, e.g.
window, lamp, or bright objects.
3. They find it difficult to judge the distances of objects relative
to their body accurately. They lack in
depth perception.
4. They tend to rely on tactual senses. They won't use their residual vision spontaneously, and they
won't rely on visual senses alone.
5. Other characteristics: e.g. color vision problems, squint, visual
field defect, accommodation problem, nystagmus and poor visual acuity,
depending on the cause and effect of the visual impairment.
Characteristics in language development:
1.The language development of VI children is basically not much
different from children with normal vision.
Their early vocabulary is similar to their sighted peers. However, the vocabulary that they use is not
as abundant in meaning and detail in descriptions as their sighted peers. The difference is caused by the limitations
in early social experiences and the lack of visual cues and stimulation.
2. VI children seem more difficult to understand that words are
abstract symbols. They are slower in
drawing the conclusions to the meanings of vocabularies.
3. Due to the lack of experience, the content of VI children's
speech is more limited. They have more
difficulty in expressing themselves.
4. Due to the lack of visual information, many MHVI children have
more difficulty in understanding "you", "me",
"they", "his/her" or using such pronouns.
5. Besides the effects of concept formation and lack of experiences
on their language development,
"It has been found
that too heavy a reliance on verbal descriptions by others
as a means of
developing concepts about the environment and the world may
result in verbalism or
verbal unreality (Burlingham, 1965; Harley, 1963).
Verbalism refers to
the use of concepts for which the child who is visually
impaired has no
firsthand experience. For example, a
child who is blind
may talk about the
white, billowy clouds and yet have no real understanding
of the words white, billowy,
or cloud. When teaching a blind child,
it is
important for the
educator to be aware of verbalisms and to verify through
demonstration that the
child truly understands the meaning of what he is saying."
(Sacks, Rosen,
Gaylord-Ross, 1990)
6. Young VI children tend to repeat others' expressions (echolalia),
even phrases in advertisements. This might be because of the intention to carry
on a dialogue or because of a lack of understanding.
7. VI children tend to ask more questions or repeat the same
question. They may not really
understand others' answers. Their
topics are more concentrated on their own interests or actions rather than on
others' needs.
8. Because of the lack of visual cues (the positioning of the
tongue, for example), some VI children, especially MHVI children, have
difficulty in grasping the articulation of some syllables, e.g. /s/, ‘ch’, ‘th’,
/l/, /n/, which result in articulation problems.
end -
H. References:
1. First Steps. A handbook for teaching young children who are
visually impaired.
Los Angeles, California:
Blind Children's Center, 1993.
2. Starting Points. Instructional practices for young children whose
multiple disabilities
include visual impairment.
Los Angeles, California: Blind Children's Center, 1995.
3. Pagliano P. (1994) Students with a vision impairment, in A.
Ashman & J. Elkins (eds),
Educating children with
special needs (2nd edn), Australia: Prentice-Hall, 345-383.
4. Sacks, S.Z., Rosen, S. & Gaylord-Ross, R.J. (1990) Visual
impairments, in N.G.Haring
& L. McCormick (eds),
Exceptional children and youth (5th edn), Ohio: Merrill, 405-445.
5. New Directions: Towards a better future for multihandicapped
visually impaired children
and young people. London:
Royal National Institute for the Blind, 1990.
6. Gibson, J. & Cronin, P. (1990) Designing programs for
children with multiple disabilities
and severe vision impairment:
A step by step approach. Australia: Royal Victorian
Institute for the Blind
Children's Services Education Centre.