
英國與香港情況相似,一向有為學童提供定期牙科檢查,但卻未有提供定期的詳細視力檢查,尤其特殊學校學生。英國視障服務機構RNIB曾於2005年發表在蘇格蘭的調查,報告指出:學習障礙 (learning disability)者的視覺問題被忽略,當中三分一有視覺問題!(見下圖)
-         社會忽視為特殊學校學生檢查視力;
-         超過三分一的學生從沒有驗眼、只有6%在其個人特殊需要報告中列明視覺問題是主要或次要的需要;
-         五分一的學生的視障情況可能影響他們的教育;
-         超過一半學生需要驗配眼鏡,但只有三成學生曾有驗配眼鏡;有些沒有眼鏡的學生有高度遠視或高度近視;
-         最少五分一低視力(low vision)學生如果有戴眼鏡,可以有正常視力。

-         為特殊學校學生提供視光學檢查服務;
-         為學生提供適應訓練,令學生更熟習在社區設施接受視光學檢查;
-         每間特殊學校安排一間房間,以便檢查在校內進行;
-         視光師接受相關培訓,能夠為有學習障礙者進行檢查,以及在特殊學校提供服務;
-         視光師有眼科服務助手協助,視光師與學校護士協作;
-         索取家長同意書及向家長查詢過往病歷或情況;
-         提供眼科醫療劵;
-         中央行政組統籌服務;
-         向家長提供報告及轉介服務。




“...RNIB Cymru has launched a report on the impact of the eye clinic liaison officer (ECLO) service in Wales.
In the last year alone, the service supported 6,730 patients in a variety of ways: everything from providing information on the patient's eye condition through to referral to specialist services such as RNIB Cymru's welfare rights service, employment service, and education and transitions services for children and young people...”

‘A clear vision: Eye care for children and young people in special schools in Wales, February 2012’ 


Executive Summary:

“This report shows that as a society we are neglecting the eye care of pupils in special schools. The National Service Framework specifies that children and young people with disabilities need early diagnosis or identification of difficulties and early intervention (WAG 2005). Community dentists visit special schools to assess pupils and provide treatment for any problems identified. There is no such provision for eye care…

The report’s key findings are:

Over one third of pupils have never had a sight test
Only 6 per cent of pupils have visual problems recorded in their Statement of Special Educational Need as a primary or secondary need. This project found that one in five pupils have a visual impairment that is likely to impact on their education.
Over 50 per cent of all pupils need spectacles, whereas only 30 per cent had previously had them prescribed.  Some children without glasses have high levels of long or short sight.
The study suggests that at least one fifth of pupils with low vision could have normal vision with spectacles…


- An optometric service should be provided to pupils in special schools
- A transitional service should be established to support pupils in special schools to become familiar with having sight tests in a community practice
- Every special school should have a room allocated and equipped for sight testing
- Optometrists accredited to provide one or more of the Welsh Eye Care Services should be offered training and accreditation to provide the service in special schools
- A short consent form should be sent to parents / guardians and followed by a phone call to collect relevant history and symptoms
- A trained optical assistant and/ or a dispensing optician should accompany the optometrist
- Pupils who have a sight test in the special school service should be issued with a General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) voucher
- Parents and pupils should be able to choose spectacle frames from a selection offered by the special school service or attend an optometry practice
- Optometrists testing in special schools should work in partnership with school nurses
- A central administration team should book appointments and order spectacles and equipment
- Copies of reports and referrals should be provided to parents and (with parental consent) others who support or care for the child
- The administration team, the clinical lead and Welsh Eye Care Services Board should be responsible for quality assuring the service….”


增加一般人對「大腦性視障」(CVI) 或腦受損引致視覺功能障礙 (BVI) / 視覺功能異常 (BVD) 的認知


大腦性視障 ─ 視而不見,被誤解的一群人

幫助多重障礙的大腦性視障 (CVI) 兒童學習的方法

多重障礙大腦性視障 ( CVI ) 學生之低視能訓練 ( 視覺訓練 ) 的方法





有關接觸和了解大腦性視障 (CVI) 兒童,以及在學習、教學、訓練、治療及親子交流方面的一些要點與提示